Male and Female Typical Characteristics
There are many different typical characteristics for both male and female. Those characteristics complement each other. For example, here is a list of make and female typical characteristics.
Sensitive to emotions
Emotionally expressive
Relative orientation
Make choices based on how it will affect others
Scatterbrained in danger
Active, combative
Spacial orientation
Make decisions based on right and wrong
Tunnel vision in danger/protective mode
Aggressive physically
Risk taking
We need to connect and learn the best qualities from each other. This is why marriage is between a man and a woman. We need both sides of the spectrum. Finding someone who compliments you is essential to a good, healthy relationship or marriage.
There is gray and white matter in the brain. Gray matter is like the CPU and RPM of the brain, and is more common in men than women. This explains why men typically make decisions based on right and wrong. White matter jumps to connect/speeds up connections, and there is typically more in women than in men. This is part of why women make decisions based on how their actions could affect their relationship with that person.
If you want to make a change in your brain, you may need to give it 90 days. Brain cells are recycled every ninety days, so start today to change behaviors, because cells are dying and being programmed every day. Do not give up when things get hard. Struggling is still progress. If you fall on your face you are still moving forward. Utilizing the Saviors power of the Atonement is a wonderful way of improving each day. It takes lots of time and effort to make a change. Like the saying goes, “old habits die hard”. It is so true! It will take three months for the old habit to die if you are focusing every day to change that habit.
Although these are the typical male and female characteristics, there can be individuals who do not fall into those typical characteristics. They may feel judged or like something is wrong with them if they do not act the same way that their peers do. There can be many reasons for individuals to not fall within the typical characteristics. A huge one is trauma. Trauma can affect behaviors greatly. When someone has trauma they may act out in ways that are not typical for their gender. Or they may become even more strongly typical. Trauma is just awful. It truly impacts how someone reacts and responds to different situations.
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